How to Collect Money?

img_2156On the Dirty Secrets of Small Business radio show, co-hosts Jack Mencini and Adam Sonnhalter, who are also the coaches of their business, Maximum Value Partners (MVP) decided to mix it up a bit and offer something a little different for this week’s show. Rather than the usual 4 segments that have been part of each one-hour broadcast, Jack and Adam are now concentrating on the state of How? Every business owner has the endless How Questions, which are integral to every small business owner trying to figure things out. MVP tries to get business owners unstuck from this mindset and provide the answers to these questions.

“How questions are the basis for everything that is on an owner’s mind,” said Jack. “How do I find the right people? How do I get more clients? How do I negotiate a deal when looking to buy a company? How do I fire my brother who is no longer an asset to our company?”

Do you have any How Questions of your own to email to Jack and Adam? Do it by sending your questions to or submit a question on their web site at Many of the How Questions can also filter back into the 7 Keys to Success to help you deal with these questions.

For today’s show/podcast, the topic started with the example from one of their MVP clients who asked How do I become more approachable?

The owner of this company was a pretty big guy physically and he could be imposing and loud when he talked. His wife asked MVP how he could be more approachable so his employees would feel more comfortable discussing work issues and opportunities with him. He cared about his employees, but recently, two employees were looking to leave almost back-to-back. The two employees had talked to his wife who was part of the business rather than go to him. The owner knew he had a challenge, but didn’t know how to solve it.

The employees did not feel comfortable going to him because of his imposing stature. The owner wanted to solve this problem (he was actually a teddy bear at heart) and asked Jack and Adam what he should do?

Some practical tips the MVP coaches gave him were: smile more often and be more self-deprecating. Make it a genuine smile though and practice it if you have to so that it is relaxed and natural. Show that you enjoy what you are doing. Being self-deprecating brings out the human side. Try using the phrase “I’m confused.” Stay humble.

Another How Question they cover in today’s show was How To Collect Money? Jack and Adam give tips and insights in how to get the invoices paid that are due to you!

For more information and to listen to the entire podcast, access the podcasts on iTunes or at

If you have a success story or a question you would like to share, email or call ( or 877-849-0670). You can also call into during the show each week at noon (EST) – 1:00 pm on WINT 1330 AM, call 440-946-9468 to ask your question to the Maximum Value Partners’ coaches!

The post How to Collect Money? appeared first on Maximum Value Partners.

The post How to Collect Money? appeared first on Dirty Secrets of Small Business.