Monthly Archives: October 2017

How Do You Discriminate Between Customers

In This Episode

Owning a small business can be difficult enough without government laws and regulations getting in the way. One of the things we help our business coaching clients focus on is Marketing. It typically starts with a discussion about who is your ideal Target. Who are you trying to go after as a customer?

I recently became aware of a story that happened several years ago about a baker in Colorado who was being accused of violating the state’s anti-discrimination laws because he refused to bake a cake for a same sex couple’s wedding reception. The owner of the bakery, Jack Phillips, said he doesn’t make cakes for events that don’t fit with his religious views of the world and includes things like witches, Halloween, and sexually suggestive images.

So instead of simply moving on to the next bakery, this couple made a post on Facebook, which was picked up by the local news media and has lead to a 5-year legal battle that will be making it’s way to the United States Supreme Court this fall.

So this got us to thinking, why don’t you as a business owner have the right to be particular about who you sell your products or services to? Who should be protected and who shouldn’t? Can’t I discriminate against Ohio State fans since I’m a University of Michigan graduate? Tune in to today’s show to hear our take!

People, Companies and Resources We Mentioned in the Show

The post How Do You Discriminate Between Customers appeared first on Maximum Value Partners.

The post How Do You Discriminate Between Customers appeared first on Dirty Secrets of Small Business.

How Do I Deal With An Employee Storming Out and Other Issues?

In This Episode

We’ve had a pretty interesting day with clients who have had a variety of situations we know aren’t unique to them. I got a call on the way to the show today of a client lamenting a long-term employee who stormed out in tears after a run-in with one of the principals of the business. How do you bring that person back into the business?

Another client is dealing with a very unreasonable client who is refusing to pay their latest invoice and making accusations and questioning our client’s integrity. How do you respond when you’re blood is boiling and all you want to do is defend yourself and your team?

What about clients dragging out payments who are hiding behind their awaiting payment from their customers or an insurance settlement? Why should that negatively impact your cash flow?

There are lots of questions and we have lots of answers that we address in today’s show!

People, Companies and Resources We Mentioned in the Show

Saturday Night Live – Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton
Dumb and Dumber
War of the Roses

The post How Do I Deal With An Employee Storming Out and Other Issues? appeared first on Maximum Value Partners.

The post How Do I Deal With An Employee Storming Out and Other Issues? appeared first on Dirty Secrets of Small Business.

How To Eradicate Political Correctness

While Political Correctness probably came from a good place and was well intentioned, but it has become a cancer to our society. And that negative impact has been felt when it comes to business too.

When everyone is so busy being offended, how can you have a real discussion and debate about anything? How can people learn and make progress if they aren’t able to hash out their ideas and differences? As an owner, how do you get the real scoop on how people are doing and feeling about how things are going if they are bound by the shackles of Political Correctness?

If as an owner or employee you have to watch every word you say for fear of offending someone or being accused of being mean, chances are you’ll opt for not saying something that should be said. And then things are likely to fester from what was a very small issue into a much bigger issue.

How can you properly correct or coach someone in your organization if their skin is so thin that it can’t handle anything perceived to be close to criticism? You can only soften things so far before the message gets lost. What’s a business owner to do? We share some ideas in today’s show on How To Eradicate Political Correctness.

People, Companies and Resources We Mentioned in the Show

Photo by Thomas’ Pics

The post How To Eradicate Political Correctness appeared first on Maximum Value Partners.

The post How To Eradicate Political Correctness appeared first on Dirty Secrets of Small Business.

How Do You Start a Business

Everyone knows someone (or many someones) who have started a company. But very few actually understand what it takes to start a company. In today’s show we tackle several of the myths that are out there about starting a company and how to do it in a practical way.

Do you need a big pile of cash? Or a business plan? Lots of employees? What’s it really take to start? We advise our clients and those looking to start a company to keep it simple. You will want the basics of a business plan that are rooted in the 7 Keys to Success, but don’t go crazy with 30 or 40 pages of stuff. Put that time and energy into getting the business off the ground.

One of the biggest keys is getting your product or service out there for people to try it out. Can you give it away at first? If not, you need to continue to tweak it. If you can give it away, work on getting your first paying customers.

Don’t make the mistake early on of making the business support your needs in terms of taking a “paycheck”, but instead keep as much cash in the business as you can so it can be reinvested to improve your business. If it’s good, it will eventually support all your financial needs and then some!

People, Companies and Resources We Mentioned in the Show

The post How Do You Start a Business appeared first on Maximum Value Partners.

The post How Do You Start a Business appeared first on Dirty Secrets of Small Business.