Leadership Lessons from Martin Luther King, Jr.

In This Episode

This past Monday our country honored a great leader who had a tremendous impact on race relations as well as many other things in the United States.  I was watching a documentary recently that provided some history and insight into to inner workings of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his team called King in the Wilderness.

I was struck by how similar the things he dealt with are to those things that our small business clients deal with.  Especially when it comes to Leadership.  He wrestled with things many small business owners wrestle with including doubts, people pulling at you, feeling like you’re always “on”, negative impacts to your personal life, etc.  Most people aren’t thinking of these things when they think of Martin Luther King, Jr., a small business owner, or anyone else in a leadership role.

During tonight’s show we shared several stories about clients and our own personal experiences with many of the Leadership issues that Martin Luther King, Jr. dealt with in a public and private way.


People, Companies and Resources We Mentioned in the Show

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